Latest Coronavirus Office Updates
Getting your
Teeth in Gear!

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Latest Coronavirus Office Updates

While we have always been proud of our infection control protocols at Tooth Works, we have implemented some additional measures and PPE because of the coronavirus pandemic. We know these may seem inconvenient but please understand they are in place for the safety of all of us. We are also getting used to wearing all the extra PPE but do it proudly knowing we are doing our part to keep everyone safe and keep the spread low. Please prepare your child that we may look a bit different.

Please see the our graphic flyer below for additional modifications made and requests from our patients. In addition to the modifications listed in the flyer, there are some other changes we’d like you to be aware of:

–  All treatment plans and other details, including xrays, may be reviewed after the visit by phone to reduce your time in the office.

– Our place will look a bit different than before: we have installed some guards to create a physical barrier between patients and front desk staff and the waiting room will have fewer chairs.

–  Please be available via phone prior to the appointment so that we can reach you for necessary information

–  If applicable, please fill out any forms emailed to you and provide any insurance updates before the appointment. Benefits will not be confirmed at the time of the appointment to avoid extra time in the waiting room.

– We cannot provide masks at this time to patients in an effort to preserve limited resources so please plan ahead.

Can’t wait to see you in person!